Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Minis

Dear lord, three years. That's a bit embarrassing.

Anyhow, to celebrate a new year I've laid out a plan to do at LEAST one model a week for the whole year. They'll generally be something that's just caught my fancy and, hopefully, not just a commission that I'm currently working on.

I've got two to start us off and they are definitely of the "Caught My Fancy" group.

First SD Kisa for Super Dungeon Explore:

This models was simple and quite a lot of fun. I've done a few SDE models before and I absolutely love having so much room to to the eyes. Normally, eyes end up being just a dot of black and white that get completely lost in the shadows of the face.

Next we've got Uncle Honk (Survivor) from Zombicide:

Another model that ended up being a lot of fun, just because of how characterful (creepy) he is. I started playing Zombicide with some friends and got hooked on how lovely all the Survivor models are. What really sold me was the "Special Guest" boxes which are models designed by different artists (Uncle Honk was designed by Kevin Walker who's mostly known for his work on Judge Dredd and Warhammer comics). I still want to add some blood splatter to him, but I think I'm going to save that for a tutorial (namely because I haven't tested the method I want to use, so I need to ruin a few models before I try it on one I really like).

I'm still trying to get a better way to capture pictures. I'd JUST got a new camera right after Christmas for specifically this purpose, but my apartment got broken into and it was one of the TWO things that got stolen (the other being a Game Boy). So for now, please excuse the "on the table" photos from the phone.

Happy New Year everyone. Let's hope this works.


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